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Real-time Monitoring and Alerting

Running your application on multiple servers? Wooffer will keep an eye on all of them for you. If any of your servers experience CPU spikes, memory leaks, or downtime, Wooffer sends you an instant notification via Slack or Email, which allows you to quickly address issues and ensure the uninterrupted performance of your application.


Resource Utilization Analysis

Expand your application with no more downtime! Identify the trends in usage of the CPU, memory, and storage usage of your application and optimize resources as needed creating a more robust plan for future scalability.


Custom Alerts and Integrations

Create custom alerts as per your needs! Set alerts for specific CPU thresholds or memory usage patterns. Getting alerts is made easier as Wooffer can seamlessly integrate with Slack, Trello, and Jira. Get the most out of Wooffer, and make the most reliable application ever!


Backend Optimization

Maintaining backend code is not a problem anymore! Be the first one to find bottlenecks directly via Slack or by tickets in the Jira board, optimize code efficiency, and improve overall system performance by getting valuable metrics from Wooffer.


Transparent Model

Wooffer offers a transparent SaaS model, ensuring that you have full visibility into pricing and usage metrics. Whether a small startup or a large enterprise, you can rely on Wooffer to provide cost-effective monitoring and analysis solutions without any hidden fees or surprises. Wooffer's clean APIs and transparent SaaS model ensure reliable and secure monitoring

Your Ultimate server monitoring platform that

Keeps Your App Running Smoothly with a Friendly

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